Vision & Mission
24-7 Prayer New Zealand is birthed from a global interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop night and day prayer. The Vision Poem began as some words that 24-7 Prayer’s founder Pete Greig wrote on the wall of the first ever Prayer Room, but quickly became the rallying cry for the global 24-7 Prayer movement…
The Vision is Jesus
Our Mission
24-7 Prayer New Zealand exists to ‘Revive the Church and Rewire Culture’ and we seek to do that by inspiring, equipping, and resourcing New Zealand individuals, churches and organisations. We want to champion the mission of God in your community.
Our Vision
From the centre of our largest cities to our rural towns, from the cape to the bluff, our vision is to see renewal in New Zealand as the people of God unite in prayer, mission, and justice.
Where did it all begin?
24-7 Prayer was born from one small student-led prayer vigil that God invaded and quickly spread into 100+ nations, touching 2 million people of all ages in over 12 thousand locations, and landing in almost every denomination: traditional and non-traditional expressions alike.
Collectively, prayer has continued non-stop night and day since that 1st vigil in 1999; putting presence-centred, mission-minded prayer back at the heart of communities all over the world and leaving a global movement of prayer, mission, and justice in its wake. One which breathes out stories of God radically transforming lives, churches, neighbourhoods, and regions. Our call is to revive the Church and rewire the culture.
24-7 Prayer New Zealand was launched in 2023.