Pentecost Prayer
29th May - 7th June
ACTS 1:14
Two thousand years ago, a group of people gathered in a room, and the bible says they prayed constantly for ten days. At the end of that prayer meeting, the Holy Spirit was poured out, and the church was born!
With all the challenges the church faces today, we are invited to humble ourselves, seek God in prayer, and ask Him to pour our His Spirit afresh on the church.
And so we want to invite you to join us as we imitate those early disciples and pray constantly for ten days as we head into the day of Pentecost.
Prayer rooms are a fantastic way to engage your church in prayer. People sign up for a one-hour slot and come to a prayer room that is conducive to prayer and seeking God. We gather not around some personality or event, but we go to a place of prayer to seek Jesus for our communities and our nation.
There are three ways you can engage with this initiative.
1 – Your church can pray for 24 hours, setting up a prayer room and joining in this initiative by participating at any point during the ten days.
2 – Your church may be large enough or passionate enough to cover the ten days of continuous prayer!
3 – Your church can partner with churches in your city and region or within your denomination/movement and cover the ten days of continuous prayer together. This may look like one centralised prayer room in a town or city or multiple prayer rooms across these ten days. Not only are we praying, but we are gathering in unity together to seek God.
We have all the tools you’ll need to promote this and help people sign up for one of the slots. Following us on Facebook and Instagram will also connect you to the stories emerging from this initiative.
We’re in!!! Sign us up for communication around the Pentecost Prayer Initiative
We’ve got a whole stack of resources to help you engage with the Pentecost Prayer Initiative.
This pack is designed to help you plan your space and your community to pray in it. It’s full of useful guidance and ideas for planning and printouts to use in your prayer room!
Including our:
How to Run a 24-7 Prayer Room PDF
Six Simple Prayer Station Ideas
A 60 Minute Prayer Guide